As a research tool, EPIC offers versatility for mass cytometry data analysis and provides a highly valuable healthy dataset for comparative analyses after automated correction of batch effect using the web-browser-based data mining applications, Sci-Atlas Miner (Single cell immune Atlas Miner tool) and Discovery tool.
EPIC enables the healthy Immune landscapes to be holistically depicted across two planes as age-related changes and cross sectional age-specific immune profiles.
Comparative analysis with any age groups of uploaded data can be achieved immediately with the two web-browser-based applications: Sci-Atlas Miner and Discovery tool. For a detailed description of this project, please refer to our publication Extended Polydimensional Immunome Characterization (EPIC) as a Web-based Reference and Discovery Tool for Cytometry Data and cite it if you utilize EPIC in your research.
EPIC is for academic, non-profit and research use. For access to these tools, please contact us at using your organization e-mail account with the following information: name, university/organization and department.